Editorial Team

Editor in Chief

Dr. Suresh Kumar 

Institutional Email ID: suresh.kumar@faculty.anangpuria.com
Institutional Home page: https://bsail.anangpuria.com/
Institutional Address: B.S. Anangpuria Institute of Law, Village-Alampur, Sohna-Ballabgarh Road
District-Faridabad, State-Haryana

Assistant Professor

Ms. Anushka Ukrani

Institutional Email ID:  a.ukrani@dme.ac.in
Institutional Profile Page: https://law.dme.ac.in/faculty/ 
Institutional Home page: https://law.dme.ac.in/
Institutional Address: B 12, B block, sector 62, Noida 20130

Associate  Professor

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Verma

Institutional Email ID: dr.rajesh@bbdu.ac.in 
Institutional Profile Page: https://bbdu.ac.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/faculty-list-final.pdf
Institutional Home page: https://bbdu.ac.in/
Institutional Address: Babu Banarasi Das University, Ayodhya Road, Lucknow, UP-226028

Assistant Professor

Dr. Megh Raj 

Institutional Email ID: mraj@lc1.du.ac.in
Institutional Profile page: https://lc1.du.ac.in/?People/Academic-Staff/Assistant-Professors/Megh-Raj
Institutional Home page: https://lc1.du.ac.in/
Institutional Address: Room No.118, Umang Bhawan, Law Centre 1, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi

Associate Professor 

Dr. Amol Deo Chavhan 

Institutional  Email ID: adc@nluassam.ac.in 
Institutional Profile Page: https://nluassam.ac.in/profile_amol.php 
Institutional Home page: https://nluassam.ac.in/
Institutional Address: National Law University and Judicial Academy, Hajo Road, Amingaon, Guwahati, Assam